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How to run great interviews

Interviews. Some of us love them, some of hate them, but there’s no doubt they’re absolutely essential when it comes to the recruitment process. If you’ve ever sat in the interview chair as a candidate, you’ll know what a nerve-wracking experience it can be. So as interviewees it’s in our best interests to make the

Compliance – and why it matters

Not everybody is a huge fan of compliance. Whatever industry you’re in, proving your company meets regulatory standards via a third-party audit is often seen as an inconvenience, or – as this Forbes article puts it – ‘a bureaucratic nuisance’. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of viewing compliance negatively, at GUK

What is good customer service?

In today’s competitive business landscape, and in an age of instant online reviews and social media shares; providing good customer service is more important than ever. Regardless of the product or industry, the way you look after your customer before, during, and after a purchase is often the deciding factor that gives you the edge

PSS and GUK surprise 6-year-old Back On Track mascot

Six-year-old Tony Hudgell has dreams of becoming a professional racing driver when he grows up. A double amputee who has raised more than £1.5 million for charity after being inspired the late Captain Sir Tom Moore, Tony is the mascot for the charity Back On Track – which provides support to injured veterans. Last week,

Wellbeing in the Workplace

1 in 4 people are affected by mental health problems each year Almost 1 in 5 adults are likely to have experienced some form of depression throughout the COVID–19 pandemic. Wellbeing in the workplace needs to be more than just a successful training course, it must also involve great engagement and support in order to

Virag – Receptionist

Virag has worked as a receptionist for 1.5 years. It is great to have someone on board who shares and advocates our vision and values throughout their job role. Personal growth is always important, Virag is driven to achieve this, through participation in our Customer Service Excellence Program as well as attending Personal Development events.

Sophie – Portfolio Manager

You may recognize Sophie as she has worked for GUK/RUK for over seven years. She is a great example of what can be achieved with hard-work and dedication. Her career with us started as a part time administration manager, since then she has been promoted to a Contracts Manager, then a Service Delivery Manager and

Andra – Guest Experience Manager

This is Andra who has worked as a Guest Experience Manager since November 2019. She believes customer service is the most important element within her role. Whether it’s speaking to the visitors, liaising with office managers, completing daily site inspections or assisting the maintenance and cleaning teams, good customer service underpins everything Andra does. Andra

RUK In Focus: RUK’s Marketing Ambassador Role in Action

When RUK won a contract at a newly renovated property in Manchester, we began recruiting a Marketing Ambassador straight away. This role is crucial in providing support services for vacant space within a building, and our Marketing Ambassadors work alongside letting agents, clients, and property professionals to build a brand and promote available space. Together